Is It Wise to Have a Backup Plan?

backup plan

Have you ever heard someone tell you that if things don’t go your way you should have something else to fall back on? If success doesn’t come right away then we should have a backup plan. It’s like we tell ourselves that if Plan A doesn’t work out then we can always rely on Plan B. There are arguments for and against having a backup plan.

Some people think having a backup plan is important. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re making a Plan B in case Plan A fails. Switching to your backup plan doesn’t mean that you failed; it just means that you’re coming up with a different strategy. Plan A is still in operation, but you have a Plan B just in case your circumstances change and you need to make adjustments to your plan.


It can also be argued that we need a backup plan because life has the tendency to throw challenges our way. A death in the family, pregnancy, job loss, ill health, a failed business deal, or the Coronavirus pandemic are some of the obstacles we may face when pursuing our goals. We have to be prepared for whatever life throws at us and try to make the most of what we have.

On the other hand, there are others who may not see the wisdom in having a backup plan. There are people who believe that backup plans are a way to escape when times get tough. It’s an excuse to give up when things get difficult.

Having a Plan B means that you don’t fight as hard to achieve your goals. If Plan A doesn’t work out, you can easily fall back on Plan B.

Some people think that having a backup plan makes it easy for you to give up on your goals when you hit a temporary setback. If there is an obstacle standing in your way to success, you may decide that it’s not worth taking the risk and that you can always do something else – your Plan B.

Life is filled with challenges. No matter how much research we do or how much contingencies we put in place in case we hit a snag, the way we can be successful is by changing our attitude and the way we react to temporary setbacks. We can either create a backup plan in case things don’t work out the way we planned, or we can forget about creating a Plan B and just go all-in with one plan only.

No matter what you decide to do, don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone to pursue your goals.

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